Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Easter "Present"

First of all, Happy Easter everybody!!!!! Hope you have a good one!

OK, about this Easter "Present" Swivel Sweeper Review . Here's the story:

My sister got a hampster about 10 days ago. She takes pretty much every where we go! Anyway,we woke up this morning at about 6:00 (???) to go to Sunrise Survice at our church. We were about to leave when we hear my sister practicly yelling, "Mommy! Mommy!" "What's the matter?" my Mom answered. "It's my hampster! It had babies!!!!!!" My sister yelled back.
This is what my mother looked like: Swivel Sweeper Review Anyway, my brother goes to see them and then comes back to where my Mother and I are getting ready and states: "It's an Easter Present!!!!!!!"

So, now you know what our Easter was like! How was yours? Leave me a comment telling me how it was!

Well, this year I would like to go to a basketball camp, but it is going to cost me a arm and both legs to go!!!! As my Mother would say, that is! What to know what I looked like when I saw the amount to go?? OK, there I am!!! Swivel Sweeper Review He, he... I love smileys, don't you????

Alright, well, I guess that's enough for today! It being Easter ,and all Swivel Sweeper Review !

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