Anyway, the rules are to list 10 things that you do instead of just sitting around being lazy and bored. So here goes!
1. I love to read!!! I especially like Christian fiction. It just doesn't get much better than diving into a story where you know that you aren't going to have to quickly jump back out of it because there were a few sharks roaming through it's pages, if you know what I mean. ;)
1. I love to read!!! I especially like Christian fiction. It just doesn't get much better than diving into a story where you know that you aren't going to have to quickly jump back out of it because there were a few sharks roaming through it's pages, if you know what I mean. ;)

2. I like to write. One day soon I would love to be a published author. I am currently working on a story that I think I might like to have published, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

3. I listen to music. My family is very musical, and one of the things I enjoy doing is listening to music (most of the time while I am doing some other activity, but on some occasions I do love to just sit down, close my eyes, and just listen. :) ) Most of the songs that I listen to are contemporary christian.

4. I work on my dramas. At my church we have a drama team. I ADORE being apart of the drama team. It seems like I can speak to people so much better in creative movement than in actual 'speaking'.

5. Photography. My mother is a photographer, which means that she some very cool (not to mention kinda BIG) cameras. It also means that I can take these cameras outside and shoot to my hearts content.

6. Play some basketball. When I was in Middle School my life's purpose was to play college basketball at Virginia Tech. I have since changed my mind, but I still like going outside and working on my dribbling or shooting technique.

7. Make jewelry. I have my own little business, Katie's Kreations, that helps me to not be completely broke. But, making jewelry isn't a chore of course. I like making stuff with my hands!

8. Play the bass guitar. I am in the praise band at my church, and I play the bass guitar. I just started learning the bass a few months ago, but it is very easy to learn and I really enjoy playing the band!

9. Hang out with my family. Most 'teenagers' think that spending time with your family is totally a waste of time. But not me. I know that one day I am going to be gone off to college, be married, have a family of my own and that time will never again be the same as it is right now. So I cherish the time I have with my family while I can and I look forward to the memories that I am going to be able to look back upon.

10. Astronomy. This may sound incredibly dull to some of you, but to me it's awesome. And it's not just astronomy that I like! I also LOVE the sky. (Don't worry! I will stop there and not bore you with WHY I love the sky. Haha, just know that I think if you take some of your time and look astronomy {or even the sky} up on your computer, you would be AMAZED at what God has put there for us to see!)
Hi! I just found your blog. You are a great photographer! :) I hope you will check out my online, Christian magazine for tween/teen girls: http://bloommagazine.webs.com. It would make my day if you subscribe!! :)
That's is so cool! Photography is my biggest hobby/business right now.. I'm enjoying looking at other peoples blogs..
Great post!
I love this blog party, and will probably participate :). And is that called the 'horse head nebula', by any chance? It was my desktop wallpaper a while back :). You are so right about God's amazing creation beyond our atmosphere... I wish that I could see the stars from where I live :/. Anyway, interesting post!
I just wanted to let you know that I got your comment about participating in the Blog Scavenger Hunt! Would you mind leaving me a comment about which blog you want to be listed?
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